2 years ago

While the exact usage of the term “frigate” has fluctuated over time, as well as the function of such vessels with the nomenclature, two key traits tend to remain: speed and mobility. The Frigates of the United Sovereignty of Nations fit within these parameters quite perfectly, being among the fastest and most agile war vessels employed by the Navy. In addition to massive twin engines and a large array of conventional thrusters, the ship’s anti-gravity projectors are more finely tuned than larger vessels, particular so that they may use the natural folds of space-time to gently glide and drift through space, while also providing compensatory inertial bracing. Each vessel is both lightly armored and energy shielded; specifically, by several layers of an advanced multi-form titanium-carbon alloy, about four and a half meters thick on average. They’re main overall role is the simple, yet rapid transportation of supplies and personnel to various locations around the empire, wartime or no, however they are just as equipped for combat purposes too. Particularly, individually acting Frigates will most commonly be used to escort larger vessels, often acting as screening elements against LAVs (light assault vessels) and various fighter craft, like gunships. Large groups of Frigates will sometimes converge in various swarm tactics to eliminate vessels far larger than they, although this is rarely ever employed, especially when such Frigates are working alongside a complementing fleet of larger ships. Individual Frigates are lightly armed, with a complement of weapons leaning more towards mid-range defense and screening, rather than pure offense; they’re best at tearing down vessels smaller and faster than they. Like every USN warship, the standard Frigate is also equipped with a spinal mounted main cannon, either a mass accelerator lance, or photon projector. Frigates posses a massive ventral cargo bay for rapid deployment of personnel and cargo, whether that be groundside or to the docking bays of a much larger ship; they also have a small dorsal hangar bay towards the front, however it’s designed only for the purpose of launching shuttle craft or dropships. Contrary to popular expectation, Frigates actually do not fully claim the ‘number one’ spot as the most numerous capital vessel within the USN military. Instead, they share it with another, slightly more specialized ship, the Subjugator. Stats: Length - 520 meters Width - 150 meters Maximum Acceleration - 7220 m/s2 Riftwell Factor - 12 Crew - 500 (standard) Auxiliary Vessels - 1 Ambience-Class Shuttle, 2 Europa-Class Dropships Armament - One 100-ton payload Mass Accelerator Lance (or one Q-14 Photon Projector), 1500 Jackhammer Missiles, 240 Soulfire Missiles, 1 Reaper Missile, 22 V-A1 Gauss Turrets, 6 Type-1 Machine Cannons, 2 Class-1 Photon Cannons, 20 G-22 Flak Guns, and 50 M-4 Binary Smart-Lasers.