10,236 3 years ago

Funny scientific t-shirts for science fans

Funny scientific t-shirts for science fans with quantum humor, astronomy comedy, humorous scientists shirts and scientific jokes for thinkers that are little stinkers.

Skull Digger

If you dig skulls, metaphorically, not literally, then wear this Skull Digger t-shirt and let everyone else know that you dig skulls too. Skulls are everywhere in pop culture and now you can have the ultimate skull t-shirt that announces their diggability. Also great for archeologists too.

Buy this Skull Digger adult humor t-shirt here:


Faker News - Massive Escape From The Particle Zoo

With all the fake news stories out there it can get quite difficult what to believe. With this funny scientific t-shirt though, it absolutely has to be fake. There can be a massive escape from an animal zoo, but if you know about the particle zoo, you also know that it's also based on the masses of the particles as well, so you couldn't have a massive escape from the particle zoo without pretty well destroying everything.

Buy this funny scienterrific t-shirt if you're a scientist, teacher, astronomer, into physics, or just a fan of quantum mechanics.

Get this funny physics t-shirt here:


Caution - Unreactive

People tend to overreact to everything and panic at the smallest things. If you're the opposite type of person that doesn't overreact, then you're Unreactive and you should warn everyone that you won't panic immediately. Wear this tale of caution and don't worry about being Unreactive anymore.

Buy the Caution, Unreactive t-shirt here:


Shut Your Pi Hole

If you know math, you know about Pi, and probably know what a hole is. This funny science t-shirt tells other people to shut their Pi Holes nicely, so you can get the upper hand with people that just won't shut up. This witty t-shirt is also a great gift for scientists, mathletes and teachers, so buy this twisted tee and get a tee hee from everyone that figures it out.

Buy this funny scientific t-shirt here:


Are We Alone? Don't Know, But I Am.

If you think aliens exist, that's great, but if you want to meet a better half, then use this funny alien t-shirt to introduce yourself. This witty t-shirt asks the big question, but also breaks the ice instead of your pocketbook. If you don't want to be alone anymore, then wear this funny aliens t-shirt and start asking others if they're alone too.

Buy this funny life mates t-shirt here:


Of Course I'm Full Of Myself - What Else Could I Be

If anyone has ever told you that you're full of yourself, then you absolutely need to buy and wear this funny t-shirt asap. If people think you're very self-satisfied with an exaggerated sense of self-worth, then twist their minds into knowing that technically, everyone is full of themselves. "Eyes! Lungs! Pancreas! So many snacks, so little time." - Venom

Buy the Of Course I'm Full Of Myself t-shirt here:


Black Hole Gut Eliminator

If you have a beer gut or a big stomach for any reason, you can now buy the astronomy-based Black Hole Gut Eliminator t-shirt created by pseudo-scientists. Lose any fat stomach within seconds by sending it into a black hole abyss. Wear this universal slimming t-shirt for men or women if you have a bigger than average belly and watch your stomach disappear.

Buy this funny astronomical weight loss t-shirt here:


I'm not a robot

I'm not a robot is the ongoing war between spammers and computer scientists. It tries to tell computers and humans apart. With new advancements in science, we'll need to tell humans from robots in real life as well. Wear this funny scientific humanoid t-shirt so nobody mistakes you for an android.

Buy this funny futuristic t-shirt for humans here:


Send Nudes

NASA wants to send nudes of people into space trying to attract extraterrestrial life. On this funny science t-shirt aliens sent a message to NASA first saying: Send Nudes. Humans aren't the only beings that like nudity and some aliens are probably nudists too. Wear this funny and sexy alien t-shirt and start collecting nude pictures for our alien buddies.

Buy this funny send nudes to aliens t-shirt here:


I Love Astronomy - Because what's happening on Earth sucks.

If you would rather stare at the stars instead of all the crap we're creating on Earth, then this funny astronomy t-shirt with an environmental and political twist is right up your alley. If you prefer science over eco-shit, then wear this astronomy t-shirt and start watching the skies while the planet dies.

Buy this funny astronomy science and environmental t-shirt here:



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