15,314 3 years ago

Funny and witty adult t-shirts

Funny and witty adult t-shirts with adults humor and language. These are the funniest tee-shirts with humorous and twisted thoughts anywhere.

I fart to blast off

If you emit gas from your ass, you can blast off the couch like a rocket. Wear this funny anti-social farting t-shirt to explain those farts on the couch everyone hears. After you fart, just stand up right away to blast off and the fart becomes your rocket fuel. This funny flatulence t-shirt for sociopathic people makes a great gift for college students, dads, and foodies that fart a lot as well.

Buy this funny fart joke t-shirt for sociopathic adults here:


Dr Prepper

Dr Pepper is a carbonated soft drink. This funny Dr Prepper t-shirt is for anyone including doctors, that prepare during pandemics or any apocalypse by hoarding toilet paper. Everyone else is a prepper now, don't you want to be a prepper too? Wear this funny sociopath or anti-social t-shirt that's about hoarding toilet paper during a pandemic and save your soul, along with the toilet paper.

Buy this funny Dr Pepper soft drink parody t-shirt for pandemic preppers, sociopaths, and TP hoarders here:


TP revenge for the hoarding

At the beginning of the covid-19 coronavirus pandemic, a lot of people hoarded toilet paper. On this funny pandemic t-shirt, the Tp is getting its revenge as its own horde. Wear this funny toilet paper t-shirt where the TP is a killing machine, and bow to the new overlords.

Buy this funny covid-19 coronavirus pandemic t-shirt here:


Don't Push Me

Don't like to be pushed around? Nobody does, so everybody should buy this funny anti-social t-shirt right? Maybe not, but either way you can let everyone else know that you don't like to be pushed around and they should stop trying to push your buttons too. Your button doesn't want to be pushed and this funny sociopathic t-shirt says it all.

Buy this funny anti-social t-shirt for sociopaths here:


Russia responds to Ukraine You sank my battleship

Russia says the Moskva sank after an explosion of ammunition, but Ukrainians say they hit it with missiles. Maybe the Russians said: "You sank my battleship!", y'know, from the game. If you want to help support Ukraine in or after the war, purchase this t-shirt and half the profits will go to a Ukrainian charity.

Buy this help Ukrainians funny war t-shirt here:


Friday is my second favorite f-word

There aren't a lot of f-words, but on this funny adult t-shirt, there are two, Friday and Fuck. Wear this funny adult t-shirt to work, at your fucken home, or anywhere else, what the fuck else can you do with it. If you love to swear or fuck a lot, then get this funny F-word t-shirt asap.

Buy this funny adult t-shirt about F-words here:


Just Done It

If you've just done it, then congratulations. On another point, this funny sports t-shirt says that... and with a checkmark as well. Whether it's sex, sports or shitting your shorts, if you've just done it, this funny sports t-shirt says it with a Nike feel. A great gift for college students that are doing it constantly.

Buy this funny adult humor t-shirt here:


Of Course I'm Full Of Myself - What Else Could I Be

If anyone has ever told you that you're full of yourself, then you absolutely need to buy and wear this funny t-shirt asap. If people think you're very self-satisfied with an exaggerated sense of self-worth, then twist their minds into knowing that technically, everyone is full of themselves. "Eyes! Lungs! Pancreas! So many snacks, so little time." - Venom

Buy this funny self-centered t-shirt here:



Putting on the ritz means making a show of luxury or extravagance. Putin On The Blitz is a parody of that saying, but it's about Putin attacking Ukraine. Wear this political anti-war t-shirt about Vladimir Putin and his blitz on Ukraine and hopefully help to end the war sooner rather than nuclear. Buy this or any Help Ukraine anti-war t-shirt and half the profits will be donated to a Ukrainian charity to help the victims of the war.

Buy this Putin parody political anti-war t-shirt to help support Ukrainians here:


Bullshit Fighter

There are bullfighters called Matadors but this funny anti-social t-shirt is about fighting bullshit instead. If you're sick of people's bullshit, then wear this sociopathic t-shirt for people that love to hate people. Enter the bullshit ring armed with this funny bullshit fighting t-shirt.

Buy this funny anti-social t-shirt for sociopaths here:



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